Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Technology Fundraiser

Welcome parents and friends of Shady Oaks Elementary!
My hope is that this site will provide you with information on our Technology Fundraising efforts for our school and become a forum where we can discuss together some of the ways we can work together to make our school a better place for learning.

As school budgets are being cut, and community members are struggling through the tough times of our economy many of you might be asking why we are pushing to raise money for technology for our school when there are so many other things that money is needed for now a days. There are also many of you that believe that technology is used too much at home with TV, video games, internet and so forth that it should be used as sparingly as possible in the classroom. As I listen to your concerns and frustrations my main though as an educator and parent is – if you were the teacher wouldn’t you want to do everything possible to make sure your students were getting the best education possible? Isn’t it our job as educators to enable your children and our students with the skills and knowledge to be successful well beyond their school days? What if you yourself could make your children excited to learn each and every day? With these statements in mind consider the following facts:

Is Technology taking over?
Our kids are surrounded by technology, drawn to it in fact, that the very use of it in the classroom is essential. In fact, who of you would rather watch an entertaining video on an educational topic then listen to a lecture given in front of a class? We are living in the technology world! With our communities only becoming more and more technologically advanced we can ask ourselves, then why not our classroom? “Technology’s visual and interactive qualities can direct students’ attention toward learning tasks.” (Roblyer & Doering, 2010, p. 14) which only enhances learning in the classroom and has students asking for more. Can you imagine that? You’re student becoming excited to learn about Math, History, English, or Science? You many ask how this may be done? Hopefully later on in this blog we can answer that question under technologies that we WANT in our classroom.

Preparing students for their future!
Eventually your now students will grow up and leave the little nest of Shady Oaks Elementary onto bigger and better things. One thing is for certain though, they will only be using technology more and more. This is a fact. More and more jobs are requiring students to be well versed in technology programs and expect students to perform at a level of everyone else. This can only be done if they are taught from an early age through the use of technological programs. It is our job as educators to make learning an exciting thing but also a practical thing. We want your students to be on top of current expectation and one step ahead if at all possible. We cannot do this without the use of technology. “Technology such as word processing, spreadsheets, simulations, multimedia, and the Internet have become increasingly essential in many job areas. Students who use these in school have a head start on what to do in the workplace.” (Roblyer & Doering, 2010, p. 15).

These facts will never replace good teaching, good teaching is supplemented by technology but cannot be replaced by it. It is a supplement that is becoming more and more necessary however and we hope that through this information you may see how important having technology in our classroom would be. If you still are skeptical let me point out two learning theories that support the use of technology in the classroom.

Direct Theory
“Knowledge has a separate, real existence of its own outside the human mind. Learning happens when this knowledge is transmitted to people and they store it in their minds.” (Roblyer & Doering, 2010, p. 35). This theory first developed by B.F. Skinner believed that students experienced education through all the senses, “(i.e. eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and /or hands)” (p. 37) which then went into either short or long term memory. By involving all the senses and repeating this engaging information students are more likely to hold this information in the long term memory over short term memory. Thus, by using computer programs that can aide students in practicing skills learned in the classroom and by engaging their senses over and over again on a particular subject students actually retain the information better!

Constructivist theory also known as multiple intelligence theory was build upon many different theorist over time. However, the main idea of this learning theory focuses on “discovery learning environments the would let children explore alternative and recognize relationships between ideas” (p. 41). The theory goes on to describe that students learn in all different ways and that letting students learn through what way is best for them will only enhance learning so that they can be successful. What does that have to do with technology you might ask? Using technology allows students to learn a variety of different ways in the classroom including, “linguistic, musical, logical-mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, and interpersonal and intrapersonal” (p. 41). If you would like to learn more information about either of these two theories please go to either of these links to find out more information: Constructivist or Direct theory.
These two theories support technology for different reasons but it all comes back to do what is best for our students and that is making as many things available to them for learning as possible. That way all students are given the opportunities to learn and learn in the best way possible for them!

Our wish list:

Smart Board is at the top of our list! It is fun and interactive and also allows for many different uses within the classroom. The possibilities are endless with the smart board! See demo video here:

Individual computer workstation: this is in such high demand as we integrate more tests required of us by the state that is absolutely essential that we see more computer workstations available in our home room.

Interactive learning software: this is a huge piece to our learning puzzle. As we explore new areas there are so many supplemental programs that would enhance learning and help students retain information. By having more of these programs available we can help students explore more in the units we discuss.

Please share with us your comments on this information. My hope is that as we share our ideas and concerns we will become more aware of what our school needs and how we can achieve this. It is my goal that I will personally see each of your students reach their ultimate learning potential and bring a key component into our classroom that would enable me to do this!
Thank you for you time!
Mrs. Hopkins


Roblter, M. Doering, A. Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching (5th edition) Pearson Education. (2010)

DISCLAIMER: This blog is an assignment for an educational technology course at National University. It is not a real fundraising blog.